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In-Person BLS Tools

This guide will show you how to use the BLS tools in your therapy room.

There a 2 ways you can use the platform in your therapy room:

  1. Method 1 – Single Device setup – Use 1 device such as a laptop to both control BLS and display visual BLS to a client.
  2. Method 2 – Two Device setup – Use an additional device such as a tablet/smartphone as a remote control so that don’t need to be able to see the same screen as the client is looking at. This may enable you to sit in a more comfortable position and be further away from your client.


Method 1 – Single Device #

This is the simplest setup for using BLS tools in your therapy room. You just need one device such as a laptop which can be used to display visual BLS to a client. You can also connect headphones and tactile tappers for auditory and tactile BLS. The only comprise with this setup is that you will need to position yourself so that you are able to see the screen in order to control the BLS.

How to open BLS tools: #


  • Then select a shortcut for either Visual, Auditory, or Tactile tools (you’ll have the option to use the other BLS tools once you begin. The shortcuts just help you to get set up quickly.

The BLS tools console will open with your chosen BLS tool selected. You can connect headphones for auditory BLS or Tactile Tappers as needed.

You are now ready to use the in-person BLS tools with your client. Below are some tips for efficient use of the BLS tools:

  • You can start/stop BLS with your mouse using the onscreen button or by using the spacebar on a keyboard
  • You can alter the speed using your mouse or the UP/DOWN arrows on your keyboard.
  • Tip – A wireless keyboard and/or mourse can be helpful as a way to control the BLS from a distance
  • Tip – Some therapists use a wireless keyboard with trackpad as an effective remote control – see examples of this on


Method 2 – Remote Control + Display #

You can also choose to use 2 devices, one to display the Virtual Light Bar and the other as a remote control for a professional setup that uses your existing devices such as your laptop and smartphone.

This allows you to conveniently control the BLS from your chair without having to lean over your client or be able to see the screen that they are looking at.

Set Up ‘Remote Control’ Device (e.g. your smartphone) #

  • This is the device that you will hold to control the BLS
  • Open your Practice Manager on the device you want to use as the ‘remote control’
  • Select ‘In-Person Session’ (screenshot below)

  • Select ‘Open as Controller’ (screenshot below)

Set Up ‘Display Device’ (e.g. your laptop) #

  • This is the device that your client will look at to see the virtual light bar
  • Open Practice Manager on the device you want to use as the ‘Display Device’ (ensure you are logged into the same bilateral base account as when you did this for the ‘remote control’ above)
  • Select ‘In-Person Session’
  • Select ‘Open as Display’

As soon as you do this, the display device and remote control will find each other and be connected, and you will be able to operate the Virtual Light Bar from the ‘remote control’ device.

You can use auditory and tactile BLS options by connecting headphones and tactile tappers to either the display or remote control device.

Using Tactile Tappers with Remote Device + Display Device #

When connecting the tactile tappers to the ‘Display Device’ remember that after plugging them in, go to ‘more options’ at bottom right of the screen and select ‘Connect BLS Device’. Then select ‘Connect Tactile Tappers’. Your tappers will now be controllable from your ‘Remote Control’ device.

How top quickly setting up ‘Display Device’ for future sessions #

  • Once you have used a device as the ‘display device’, you can make it easier to set it up the next time
  • Simply bookmark the web page in your web browser (the link will look like this example:
  • Next time you want to use the display device, just open the bookmarked web page, it will be ready to connect to your remote control device and you don’t need to be logged into your Bilateral Base account.